With the winter season upon us, we ready ourselves for the onslaught of lethargy, bleakness, dark moods, and spending time indoors curled around near the fire, simply trying to stay warm and ward off the Winter Blues. We all lie in the wait for the warmer and brighter days to come to the rescue.
The mood swings that relate to this seasonal change are referred to as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), also known as seasonal depression in the medical industry.
Although there has been little research that sheds light on the underlying causes of SAD, it appears that the reduction in sunlight leads to the breakdown in the creation of serotonin in the brain. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), it is noted that in humans, the serotonin level is lowest in winters. This is a neurotransmitter that has a positive impact on the brain, and when lacking, triggers SAD.
The symptoms often referred to by their non-scientific name; The Winter Blue may include but are not limited to depression, uneasiness, sadness, lack of interest in social and work-related activities, and a sense of social withdrawal. Ultimately, these long winters impact the quality of your life, affecting both your personal and professional aspects.
This constant fluctuation in your mood could cause strain on your overall health. While it isn’t to say that you are suffering from this condition, you cannot deny how the winter season has an impact on your mood and energy levels. So, what can you do about this?
Even a single temperature drop in the South, in places like Atlanta and Phoenix, could tighten your muscles and send the chill straight to your bones. To help you ward off the bitter winters and stay warm, here are some winter mood boosters that will keep you going! Also take a look at this Great Infographic by the folks at Positive Health Wellness for 12 steps that will complement the Biomat as part of your Winter Blues Survival Kit.
Spend Time Outside
Getting out in the cold weather may seem like a punishing task. However, your body needs some natural sunlight. Spend about 15-20 minutes in the afternoon outside – just when the sun is brightest.
Eat Well
Don’t slip out on meals. While eating light and living on liquids might be the summer mantra, in the winters, your body needs as much energy as it can get to keep you warm, and on-the-go. Eat a balanced diet with vitamins and minerals.
Regulate Hormones
Don’t like the idea of medicating yourself? Try some simple and natural activities like brisk walking or light exercises that regulate your hormones.
Use Your BioMat
One of the reasons why Richway amethyst BioMat is a great choice in the winter is because of its far infrared rays. These rays penetrate your body to its core, sending comfortable heat that you need in the winter. This far infrared rays technology is combined with amethyst crystals and negative ions to prompt health.
If you’re in search for BioMat for sale, please explore our website, and place an order for BioMat that meets your need.